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I Found a What If

I Found a What If –

Overwhelmed, anxious, angry, discouraged and defeated. They all attacked me. It had to be an attack because it felt like an aggressive attempt to take me out.

Isn’t it interesting how not just one negative emotion comes at you at a time? No, it seems to rally together a whole troop. Sometimes it’s a sneak attack that comes out of nowhere and other times it’s part of a battle you’ve been fighting for a while.

My attack took me by surprise and left me in pain. But it was the pain that pushed me to fight back.

I knew to experience victory it would be important to recognize and then fight the right enemy but first I had to find it.

It wasn’t easy to find. It took digging. Pulling it out was also painful.

When I first found it, it was dirty. I didn’t want to look at it and could see why it took so long to face it.

But after I stared at it long enough, I found beauty and eventually freedom.

If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, let me take you back to the beginning and make a long story short.

It was time to launch my newest class. In preparation, I looked at my calendar to reserve dates to teach. In doing so I felt it beneficial to review and update my electronic schedule that included my personal and business responsibilities. And this is when the attack occurred.

As I read the long list of responsibilities, I immediately felt overwhelmed and then anxious. Angry was close behind as was discouragement. The feeling of defeat took a while, but it still showed up. 

The attack lasted longer than expected. It wasn’t until the next morning that I fought back.

With pen and paper as my first weapon of choice, I charged into battle, searching for the source.

I’ve used this tactic before, so I knew to first acknowledge what I was feeling. I then allowed a period of silence since this is how I typically find clarity and direction for my next move.

Eventually the enemy surfaced. It was hiding in my thoughts in the form of a What If. Oh, but it wasn’t alone. A few of them had banded together and I quickly identified each one. They all started the same…


I can’t handle more business growth?

I can’t balance a plate that already feels full?

I’m not capable of doing it all?

This is all too much?

Wow was I amazed. I’ve found enemies buried in my thoughts before, but they looked different.

What’s even more surprising is that I know the danger of what ifs. For crying out loud, I teach this stuff. Nonetheless, I knew what I needed to do next since it’s a regular tool in my arsenal.

Time to face it and find the truth.

One by one I faced them and as I continued to write, a list of truths showed up, but here were the most important for me to remember:

  1. It doesn’t matter what my schedule looks like. I know Who directs my steps.
  2. Focus on my purpose! Continue to encourage, equip and empower people.
  3. Everything I need when I need it will be provided.
  4. I only need to focus on today and be led by peace in all I do.

It’s true that the truth will set us free and it certainly worked in this fight.

The next weapon was my expression of gratitude for I knew the experience taught me many things and I’d be stronger and more equipped for the next battle.

Victory was mine and freedom was won!

You may be surprised that even an Empowerment Coach and Teacher experienced an attack like this. Unfortunately, nobody is exempt. But what we choose to do next determines victory or a fight that continues.

Are you in your own battle right now?

Is it possible you have a few what ifs buried?

What if…

…I get sick?

…I lose my job?

…I can’t pay my bills?

…Things never get better?

You don’t have to fight the battle alone. I’m happy to share my supply of practical tools and weapons to help lead you to victory. If this resonates with you, reach out and let’s put together your battle plan. You might want to do it now before the enemy’s troops gain in numbers.

I love to encourage people! YOU can too! If you found this article helpful, please share it. You never know the positive impact YOU can have.


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