Dominate Disruption, Defeat distraction, and claim your deliverance!

Christian women entrepreneurs and other women leaders look to me and my DREAM Process to eliminate overwhelm, the pressure to please and achieve, and experience more abundant, purpose-filled lives.

You are more than a Conqueror!

Do you believe that? Maybe you do. Maybe you think you should.  After all, you ARE a child of God. You want to believe it and you certainly want to experience it, but maybe deep down (or not even that deep down), you are doubting this big time. The only thing you’re conquering is not grabbing the Ben and Jerry’s at 10 PM or managing to keep your kids alive – mostly (ok truth be told, you do NOT always conquer the ice cream battle). Perhaps you secretly suffer in silence.

      • Maybe you’re overwhelmed and exhausted, trying to do and be everything for everyone but still question if you do enough. Hit you different when you see it in print? Try saying it out loud. Given all you do, you still question whether YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.
      • Perhaps you’re a perfectionist that strives to be a Proverbs 31 woman but focus so much on where you fall short that you feel discouraged, disappointed, and at times question your credibility. You question your leadership. Heck, you may even question your identity.
      • It is very possible that someone else’s expectations or view of success has stolen your passion and led to you doubting your purpose and divine right place. Talk about not feeling like a conqueror!
      • There may be times you overthink a challenge or decision only to be left with frustration, a lack of energy, and no clear answer.
      • Perhaps you started out an excited entrepreneur, ready to do great things. That is, until you compared yourself to Super CEO Suzie who seems to do it all and have it all together. And now you live under constant pressure trying to follow in her footsteps.
      • Is this a good time to mention self-care? Wait. “What’s that?” you say. I know…you may have even forgotten how to spell ‘self-care.’ There is probably not a lot of time left to do that right? Why? Because you are not MAKING the time for it. You are constantly doing for others and allow yourself to be last on your to-do list.

Let’s face it, life’s challenges can leave even a strong Christian woman doubting herself, her worth, and her work.

Between an endless to-do list that you seek to carry out, often without questioning why you’re doing what you do and the lies you believe about yourself, it’s no wonder you are struggling.

You want to feel supported, valued, and that what you do makes a difference.

And you want to believe – no, you want to knowyou are enough!

I am here to do more than just remind you that you are enough. I’m here to partner with you, along with God, in living a life that reflects you are enough, that you’re more than a conqueror.

I too have suffered in silence. I’ve over-processed, been overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, felt constant pressure to achieve and succeed, sacrificed self-care for way too long, have questioned whether I am enough and do enough. Geesh, just writing that is draining!

Though my growth journey continues (as it should for as long as we live), I can boldly say that I’ve become a resilient, purpose-driven Christian woman, who runs a growing business, often overcoming the hater/enemy in my head and discovered how to stay in step with God, trusting His will. I also trust His timing and His personal promises for me.

My whole practice is based on teaching the principles and tools that have helped me get to where I am today. That process has been tough, yet incredibly powerful. It can be less tough and just as powerful for you, as I help you avoid some of my mistakes and/or repeating certain mistakes going forward.

So, are you ready?

Are you ready to release the pressure to perform and be perfect, redefine expectations, dominate your goals, and ENJOY yourself along the journey?

Ready to rise up and be elevated to God’s next level for you? Are you ready to align with His plan for your business, career, influence, and impact?

It’s time to get very intentional about what is meant for you, and I am excited to partner with you in doing so. It’s time to put on and keep on the custom-made armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-17 Again…
You. Are. More. Than. A. Conqueror!

Private Coaching

Life Coaching is the bridge between the life you have and the life you desire.

All sessions are customized and  designed to take you to the next level or simply find your next best step.

Crisis to recovery

Has your purpose-driven journey become more “pressure” driven? Have stress and worry replaced your motivation and joy? Are you ready to take back what you've lost?

Master the skills to defeat distractions, use disruption to your advantage, and take back your power TODAY!

Prepared for purpose

You are unique, gifted, and valuable but if you don’t believe this, you will never fully step into the life God has prearranged for you. Find out how knowing the truth will set you free and equip you with the confidence and courage you seek.

"As Christians, victory is always ours when we're equipped with the right weapons, mindset, and alliance!"

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Nancy Dahlke

The TRUST the DREAM Coach

It is my desire to create a ripple effect among impact-driven Christian women, while collaborating with God, that leads to their dreams, desires, and Divine destination!

I am committed to partnering with these women and providing the tools and support they need to rise above the noise around them by defeating distraction and discouragement and taking back the joy, peace, and power that belongs to them.

If you are interested in being a part of this powerful ripple effect or would like to explore more about increasing your clarity, confidence, and God-connection so you can soar higher and serve greater, we should chat.

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Discovery call

Tired of trying to do it all on your own? Do you feel unsupported? Find out what you can experience by partnering with me.

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You are so close to a transformative mindset shift and reclaiming your progress-making, purpose-driven power! Grab your Power Pack and experience the revelation needed to go from trial to triumph.

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You CAN live a life filled with Passion, Purpose, Peace and Power! Discover 12 practical things you can do today!

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What happy clients say...

Thank you so much for ALL of your wonderful help. I really enjoy our time together. I have come so far. I feel like you are the first person that actually helped me progress forward. I just can’t thank you enough for that.
Shelley Moldenhauer
My life looks nothing like it did a year ago when I first met with you and I know with all of my heart I owe it to you for pointing me in the right direction, toward God. I will never forget what you’ve done for me!! You truly saved my life and I’m eternally grateful for you! Keep doing what you do. You are transforming lives I ways you can’t even imagine! Love, Your Sister in Christ,
Monica Bingen

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