About Me

magbo system


Let me guess…

You’d like to feel the confidence and joy again in what God has inspired you to do but have no idea where or how to find it because you’re over-worked, overwhelmed, and absolutely exhausted. Even thinking about adding one more thing to your to-do list makes you feel tired.

You would LOVE to take a day or two off to do something fun but figure it will be more stressful stepping away from all your responsibilities for more than a day.

You ignore what you believe is best for you and instead are constantly comparing yourself, your business, or your success to others. As a result, you essentially copy someone else’s model and wonder why the only thing you get is frustrated.

You feel pressure from others but mostly yourself. You should be making more money, getting more done, and doing more for others. And on top of all that, you beat yourself up for not working out more and eating better.


I’ve been there and can still take a road trip back if I’m not careful.

Oh Sister, let me tell ya. I used to try to do it all and try to figure it all out on my own. I’ve experienced that constant pressure to please and achieve (um even now that pressure can creep in…it’s sneaky like that). I’ve played the comparison game to those I thought knew it all. I think the most damaging thing I have done was doubt myself and my gifts.


My business, marriage, health, and friendships were suffering. Self-care didn’t exist and because this battle had lasted so long, it inevitably affected my mindset.

I knew I had to do something. So, I tried a lot of things and followed a lot of leaders but still struggled. Yes, I was a Christian then too, but as many of you know, being a Christian doesn’t make you immune to challenges.

So, I took Matthew 6:33 to heart and began to see God’s direction more.  I can tell you that I was gently nudged (hey I try to avoid getting the push or shove) during my morning prayers and the results have been amazing! That time with God and the subsequent action I took led to me being where I am today: more clear, more confident, less perfection-driven and more purpose-driven. Thank you Lord!

Obviously, that means I am not perfect or have a perfect life. I don’t need to, nor do you. You see we are more than conquerors. No matter what I face, I’ve learned to believe in what’s true, not what “threatened, insecure, lacking of faith” Nancy tells me.  What is true is that I don’t face anything alone. God is with me, for me, and with Him I can do all things. No, it’s not always as simple as saying it. The power is in believing it and then acting accordingly!

I want to help you truly believe and operate from that belief. I am excited to see what fully stepping into your DREAM looks like for you.


Sure, I’m a certified life coach with significant experience. However, there is more to my clients’ success. I LOVE what I do, and I proactively seek God’s direction for my clients as well as myself. Results my clients get:

      • Redefine expectations, conquer overwhelm, and release the pressure to please others.
      • Stop comparing yourself, your business, and success to others and DO IT YOUR WAY (technically, God’s way for you)
      • Accept and embrace yourself, your journey and get excited about what’s ahead.
      • Discover (or rediscover) the joy of self-care, minus the guilt.
      • Find peace with an unfinished “to do” list, along with some lessons. Perhaps not getting certain things done is a good thing.
      • Experience more confidence and clarity in your decisions.
      • Find peace, contentment, and experience joy in the things you love regardless the season you are in.
      • Recognize and overcome distractions. They come in all kinds of different forms.
      • And more…wouldn’t you like to know? Then we should connect.


My strongest Spiritual gift is the gift of Faith followed by Mercy, Wisdom, Teaching, and Serving.  So, it’s no surprise God has led me here, and I’m so grateful I get to use these gifts as a coach.

Guess who benefits? Yep…YOU!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Some Fun Facts about Me

I am a country/farm girl at heart.

I have no children but LOVE my fur babies – one indoor cat, two goats and a stray tomcat. (I can’t wait to have another dog, two horses, a donkey, and a lot more goats running around. Don’t tell my husband yet. I don’t think he’s ready.)

Some favorite places you may find me are in the North Woods of Wisconsin, out on our farm, on the back of a horse or on my motorcycle. Some of my greatest memories have been trail riding with my Poppa.

I think I have a great sense of humor. (Ask my sisters. They get me.)

I love to be active…preferably outside hiking, biking, kayaking, or working on the farm.

Love people but I’m really an introvert…go figure!

When I was little, I dreamed of being a teacher. (I also wanted to be a vet until I saw certain things growing up on the farm.)

I am down to earth, genuine, dedicated, loyal, resilient, very transparent, and a sucker for a good Hallmark movie.

I will be forever grateful for my AMAZING HUSBAND for his character, patience, and support. I could not do what I do without him. Thank you, Babe!

WHat happy clients say...

Nancy, thank you for your insights and Godly perspective. It has really helped us keep our center and focus - you are amazing! God Bless,
Marti Anderson
Nancy is an amazing life coach! When I first met her, I was an overwhelmed, stressed working mom of an autistic child. I was desperate to find balance in my life and turn down the mental dialogue in my brain that never took a breath. My thoughts were full of doubts and I was creating huge roadblocks. I worried about today, tomorrow, next week, next month and ten years from now as I swam upstream trying to get services, treatments, and an education for my son. With her guidance I was able to change my thoughts, perspective, and focus. I heard God saying over and over “I got this!” Now, whenever I am struggling with something and can’t find a clear path on my own, I schedule a chat with Nancy. I call her “my secret weapon” and trusted Life coach. In just 30 minutes we work through it and I hang up feeling refreshed, unburdened, and filled with amazing energy. It is a spiritual tune up that is indescribable. Overflowing Gratitude,
Tammy Dain


The 12 Principles

After 15 years of research and endless studying, I created and simplified my life lessons into 12 principles.  I call them The 12 Principles: How To Create An Empowered Life! This is an activity book consisting of the awareness exercises I completed that brought me greater awareness and personal and spiritual growth. The exercises are very practical and everyone can benefit from them.

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