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[Personal Reflections] Why Are You Trying So Hard To Do So Much?

Why Are You Trying So HardPersonal Reflections… We focus so much on what we want in our future that we neglect to see all we currently have! Here are some words of encouragement for your personal reflections:

  • Choose today to love the people you are with; enjoy them.
  • Look and appreciate the God given beauty that surrounds us every moment of every day. Choose to see beauty in the flowers, the trees; the sunrise and sunset. Revel in the fact that we can see, we can hear, smell, taste and we can feel. Be thankful today.
  • Do something that makes you feel good.
  • Raise your vibration. Slow down! What is right in front of you? Focus on love, on joy, peace and happiness. Focus on NOW! Because right now you have more than you need. Enjoy what God has already given you. “Now” is perfect just as it is.

At the end of the day, It is really the simplest of things that fulfill us; the laughter of a child, the smell of spring blossoms, the beauty in a sunset, moments with those we love, a hug or tender touch. And when you allow yourself to slow down and feel God’s love all around you; see all He has created for us to enjoy; well what more could we ask for?

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